Homer Doc

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Keyboard shortcuts

Homer has many keyboard shortcuts to perform specific actions.

Add/Remove rows - ⇧ ⏎ - ⇧⌫


Zoom in/out - ⌘ – / ⌘ + or ⌘ scroll up / ⌘ scroll down


Restore board view - ⌘ J


Create a new node via keyboard - ⌃ ⏎ - CTRL ⏎


Add / Remove lines via keyboard - ⇧ ⏎ / ⇧⌫


Create a new node drawing connection - ⌥ ⌘ - CTRL ALT



macOS windows Action
Board Contextual Menu Board Contextual Menu Show the menu to add a new Node to the Board
Selected Content Contextual Menu Selected Content Contextual Menu Text Content Menu
⌘ C Ctrl C Copy selected nodes to clipboard
⌘ V Ctrl V Paste clipboard nodes to the board or clipord text as nodes
⌘ D Ctrl D Duplicate selected nodes and their connections
⌘ S Ctrl S Force to save the project
⌘ F Ctrl F Open the "Search in Project" panel. If a text is selected it will be the search key
⌘ A Ctrl A Select all nodes of the actual flow
⌘ O Ctrl O Reorder flow’s nodes
⌘ K Ctrl K Toggle the "Auto Hide" modality for panels
⌘ U Ctrl U Toggle "Preview" window
⌘ B Ctrl B Toggle the "Flat View" modality
⌘ M Ctrl M Toggle Mini Map
⌘ I Ctrl I Toggle Info Panel
⌘ – / ⌘ + Ctrl – / Ctrl + Zoom out / Zoom in
⌘ 0 Ctrl 0 100% Zoom
⌘ J Ctrl J Reset board view
⌘ P Ctrl P Print current flow contents
⌘ Drag Ctrl Drag Drag the board View with grid constrains
⌘ ⌥ Drag Ctrl Shitf Drag Drag the board View without grid constrains
⌥ Drag from node to node Ctrl Drag from node to node Create Connections
⇧⌥ Drag from node to node Shift Ctrl Drag from node to node Create a Fail Connection
⌥ ⌘ Drag from node to board Ctrl Alt Drag from node to board Create a new connected text node
⇧⌥ ⌘ Shift Ctrl Alt Activate the Delete Connection Modality
⇧ Click on nodes Shift Click on nodes Multi select nodes
Drag on board Drag on board Make multi selection

Creating new nodes and lines via keyboard (also on flat view)

macOS windows Action
⇧ ⏎ Editing a node text line or with the sequence node selected Shift ⏎ Editing a node text line or with the sequence node selected Add new Node Line
⌃ ⏎ Editing a node text line Control ⏎ Editing a node text line Add new Text Node
⇧⌫ Editing a node text line ⇧Delete Editing a node text line Remove the node text line

Focusing within nodes' content

macOS / windows Action
[TODO: ... ] Add Todo
[[LIST a b
[-] View choice only once
[+] View only if no other choice is available (deprecated: use fail connection to other node)
{$...} {%...} Global and local variables; in conditional nodes the brackets are not needed
[IF BOOLRESULT ? "First output" : "Second output"] Example: [IF $PLAYER_SIDE=="GREEKS" ? "Greek" : "Trojan"]

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