Homer Doc

Homer Versions history

Homer Docs

How to manage actors

Every story has its actors. Actors play a crucial role in the flow of a story. They are the characters who drive the narrative forward through their actions, decisions, and interactions with other characters and the environment.

In Homer, you can create as many actors as you need customizing their appearance and defining their gender.

Screenshot 2024-03-16 alle 15.46.02.png

Open the Actors panel or click the actor avatar on the Text or Choice node to add or edit actors.

There you’ll find the list of the actors already defined and you can either add a new actor or edit the existing ones.

Actors appearance

Homer has an actor composer tool that lets you change the actor's appearance to best fit his character.


To open the editor just click on the avatar of your actor on the Actors panel.

Any changes you make will refactor all the instances of the character in the project’s flows.

Use of the actor

Once created you can set the actor to a Text or Choice node by clicking on the avatar on the node and choosing the actor from the popup menu.

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